Manage Databases in Bytebase with Terraform

This tutorial will guide you to use Terraform Bytebase Provider to manage your databases via Terraform.
Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool that lets you build, change, and version infrastructure safely and efficiently. This includes low-level components like compute instances, storage, and networking; and high-level components like DNS entries and SaaS features.
Bytebase is an open-source database DevOps tool, it's the GitLab for managing databases throughout the application development lifecycle. It offers a web-based workspace for Developers and DBAs to collaborate and manage the database change safely and efficiently.
Why Terraform? Although Bytebase provides a GUI for you to manage databases, if you have tens or hundreds of database instances for different environments, instead of repetitive and error-prone manual work, Terraform would definitely save your efforts and prevent mistakes.
Before you start the tutorial, make sure:
- Have Docker installed.
Install Terraform
Follow Terraform installation Guide, we use the mac version in this tutorial.
- Install the HashiCorp tap, a repository of all our Homebrew packages.
brew tap hashicorp/tap
- Install Terraform with hashicorp/tap/terraform.
brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform
- Verify the installation by typing.
terraform -help
Run Bytebase
In this section, you’ll start Bytebase and follow its onboard guide.
- Make sure your docker daemon is running, and then start the Bytebase docker container by typing the following command in the terminal.
docker run --init \
--name bytebase \
--restart always \
--publish 5678:8080 \
--health-cmd "curl --fail http://localhost:5678/healthz || exit 1" \
--health-interval 5m \
--health-timeout 60s \
--volume ~/.bytebase/data:/var/opt/bytebase \
bytebase/bytebase:$$bb_version$$ \
--data /var/opt/bytebase \
--port 8080
- Type the following commands one by one in the terminal to start two MySQL instances, and they will be mapped to
environments later.
docker run --name mysqldtest \
--publish 3307:3306 \
docker run --name mysqldprod \
--publish 3308:3306 \
- Register admin account
. This account will be grantedWorkspace Owner
Add an Instance in Bytebase from GUI
In this section, you'll follow the onboard guide to add an instance in Bytebase.
Follow the onboard guide or click Add instance on home page.
Create an instance for
Environment with the following configuration. Fill username/password asroot
Follow the onboard guide or click New Project on Projects page. Create a project
with keyTEST
and click Create. -
Follow the onboard guide or click New DB on the project
page. -
Create a database
, and click Create. This will take you to the issue page, an issue is created. Since it’s forTest
environment, it will execute without approval from you. Click Resolve issue, and the issue will be done.
Add Instances via Terraform
You’ve added an instance for the Test
environment in Bytebase by clicking. What if you need to add hundreds of instances. In this section, you’ll witness the process simplification Terraform brings.
Step 1 - Create a Terraform file
Create a new folder
and create a blank
in it. -
Go to Click Use Provider, copy and paste the whole code block in the gray box into
. Pay attention to the version. -
Follow the document and go to Example Usage. Copy the following provider part and paste it in
provider "bytebase" {
service_account = "<Your Bytebase service account email>"
service_key   = "<Your Bytebase service account key>"
url       = "<Your Bytebase external URL>"
Step 2 - Add a Terraform account
Click Settings on the top navigation bar, and click Workspace > Members.
Turn on Create as service account, fill email with prefix
, and click + Add. -
Scroll down, and you can see the newly added account there. Click Copy Service Key.
Step 3 - Query to list all resources
Paste the Service Key, Service Account Email, and URL into
.The file now should look like this: -
Paste the following queries after the provider block and save the file. What it does is to list all existing environments and instances and print those out in the terminal.
# List all environment
data "bytebase_environment_list" "all" {}
output "all_environments" {
value = data.bytebase_environment_list.all
# List all instances
data "bytebase_instance_list" "all" {}
output "all_instances" {
value = data.bytebase_instance_list.all
- Run
terraform init
,terraform plan
andterraform apply
one by one in the terminal. You’ll see the output:
all_environments = {
"environments" = tolist([
"environment_tier_policy" = "UNPROTECTED"
"order" = 0
"resource_id" = "test"
"title" = "Test"
"environment_tier_policy" = "UNPROTECTED"
"order" = 1
"resource_id" = "prod"
"title" = "Prod"
"id" = "1673486499"
"show_deleted" = false
As we have two default environments in our Bytebase. Pay attention to resource_id
, they are test
and prod
all_instances = {
"environment" = "-"
"id" = "1673486499"
"instances" = tolist([
"data_sources" = tolist([
{"database" = ""
"host" = "host.docker.internal"
"port" = "3307"
"title" = "Admin data source"
"type" = "ADMIN"
"username" = "root"
"engine" = "MYSQL"
"environment" = "test"
"external_link" = ""
"resource_id" = "instance-e14ae248"
"title" = "MySQL Test"
"show_deleted" = false
As we can see, it’s the instance we just added. Follow "title" = "MySQL Test"
, you'll find "resource_id" = "instance-e14ae248"
Step 4 - Add instances via Terraform
Now you have listed all environments and instances you have in Bytebase. Then how to create/update?
- Remove the
#List all environment
and#List all environment
blocks, and add the following:
# Define variable name
locals {
environment_id_test = "test"
environment_id_prod = "prod"
instance_id_test = "test-instance"
instance_id_prod = "prod-instance"
# Create a new environment named "Test"
resource "bytebase_environment" "test" {
resource_id = local.environment_id_test
title = "Test"
order = 0
environment_tier_policy = "UNPROTECTED"
# Create another environment named "Prod"
resource "bytebase_environment" "prod" {
resource_id = local.environment_id_prod
title = "Prod"
order = 1
environment_tier_policy = "UNPROTECTED"
# Create a new instance named "MySQL Test TF"
resource "bytebase_instance" "test" {
resource_id = local.instance_id_test
environment = bytebase_environment.test.resource_id
title = "MySQL Test TF"
engine = "MYSQL"
# You need to specific the data source
data_sources {
title = "admin data source"
type = "ADMIN"
username = "root"
password = "testpwd1"
host = "host.docker.internal"
port = "3307"
# Create a new instance named "MySQL Prod TF"
resource "bytebase_instance" "prod" {
resource_id = local.instance_id_prod
environment =
title = "MySQL Prod TF"
engine = "MYSQL"
# You need to specific the data source
data_sources {
title = "admin data source"
type = "ADMIN"
username = "root"
password = "testpwd1"
host = "host.docker.internal"
port = "3308"
What it does is first to define some variables, and then add four resources:
- two environments –
- two instances -
andMySQL Prod TF
terraform init
,terraform plan
andterraform apply
one by one in the terminal. You will see this in the terminal. -
Go back to Bytebase, and click Environments. There is nothing changed with these two environments.
If you go back to the previous query output
"resource_id" = "test"
"title" = "Test"
"resource_id" = "prod"
"title" = "Prod"
You can see that the resource_id
happens to be the same as in the local variables:
environment_id_test = "test"
environment_id_prod = "prod"
Combined with the terminal warning message above:
Warning: Environment already exists
Environment test already exists, try to exec the update operation
What happened is that the two existing environments match with the ones terraform declare by resource_id, so the Bytebase provider will attempt to update the environment.
- Click Instances. You’ll see there are two instances added.
Why it's different from the environments? If you go back to query output for our existing instance which is added from GUI.
"resource_id" = "instance-e14ae248"
And there are the resource_id
s defined in the local variables:
instance_id_test  = "test-instance"
instance_id_prod  = "prod-instance"
The resource_id
generated by UI operation instance-e14ae248
can’t match the one defined in terraform, and it’s not possible to adjust to make them match. So for the instances, it adds them instead of updating.
Step 5 - Test if the instances added by Terraform are working
Click Projects on the top navigation bar, and then click New Project. Create a new project called
. -
Click TestTF on the left side bar, and click New DB.
Fill out the form as follows and click Create.
- Name: demotf
- Environment: Test
- Instance: MySQL Test TF
You’ll be redirected to the issue page, and click Resolve issue.
Click Instances on the top navigation bar, then select
. You’ll seedemotf
Summary and Next
Now you have learned how to use Terraform to manage your MySQL database environments and instances in Bytebase, for PostgreSQL, you can futher declare database roles. Please check more example usage in GitHub.
If you encounter any problems while trying, welcome to our discord channel.