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Manage Workspace Members

User models after a principal performing the operation. Most of the time, user corresponds to a human being. Bytebase also has a special robot user named "Bytebase" (ID=1) which conducts system operations.

A user in the Bytebase workspace is defined as a member.

This document describes how to add new member, update the role and deactivate a member at workspace level.


  • Workspace Owner role

Add a team member

  1. Click Settings on the navigation bar.
  2. Click Workspace > Members.
  3. Enter email address and select role.
  4. Click Add, and you can find the new member in the Active members table.

Edit the member role

  1. Click Settings on the navigation bar.
  2. Click Workspace > Members.
  3. Go to a specific member row in the Active members table.
  4. Click Role dropdown and select a role, and you can find the role is updated.

Deactivate a member

  1. Click Settings on the navigation bar.
  2. Click Workspace > Members.
  3. Go to a specific member row in the Active members table.
  4. Click trash icon on the right, and you can find the member in the Inactive members table.
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