If you run Bytebase on Kubernetes , you need to prepare a Kubernetes cluster, PostgreSQL instance, even storage driver, and ingress for external access.
sealos cloud, on the other hand, provides these dependencies out-of-the-box and Bytebase can be started quickly.
A sealos cloud account (free signup).
Create a PostgreSQL Instance
From sealos cloud, click the postgres icon to create a PostgreSQL Instance. See details .
Use Cloud Terminal
Click the terminal icon to edit the yaml file.
You need to modify:
In Ingress section, the host needs to be unique such as bytebase.cloud.sealos.io
in the example.
--external-url must be consistent with the above host name.
--pg value
can be copied from the PostgreSQL instance details created above.
apiVersion : apps/v1
kind : Deployment
metadata :
name : bytebase
spec :
selector :
matchLabels :
app : bytebase
template :
metadata :
labels :
app : bytebase
spec :
containers :
- name : bytebase
resources :
requests :
cpu : 0.1
memory : 32Mi
limits :
cpu : 0.5
memory : 32Mi
image : bytebase/bytebase : 2.8.0
imagePullPolicy : Always
env :
- name : PG_URL
value : 'postgresql://test:2pk5Ra2FdqiF8idERi5Tn5yTbvqPslZaYSgw1Qh2y4MljWBkb2OTvpvK4lwmTVXM@acid-test.ns-8b66134e-5294-480f-b6c4-00243fc2488e.svc.cluster.local:5432/sealos'
args :
'--data' ,
'/var/opt/bytebase' ,
'--external-url' ,
'https://bytebase.cloud.sealos.io' ,
'--port' ,
'8080' ,
ports :
- containerPort : 8080
volumeMounts :
- name : data
mountPath : /var/opt/bytebase
livenessProbe :
httpGet :
path : /healthz
port : 8080
initialDelaySeconds : 300
periodSeconds : 300
timeoutSeconds : 60
volumes :
- name : data
emptyDir : { }
apiVersion : v1
kind : Service
metadata :
name : bytebase - entrypoint
spec :
type : ClusterIP
selector :
app : bytebase
ports :
- protocol : TCP
port : 8080
targetPort : 8080
apiVersion : networking.k8s.io/v1
kind : Ingress
metadata :
annotations :
kubernetes.io/ingress.class : nginx
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target : /
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol : 'HTTP'
name : bytebase
labels :
k8s-app : bytebase
spec :
rules :
- host : bytebase.cloud.sealos.io
http :
paths :
- pathType : Prefix
path : /
backend :
service :
name : bytebase - entrypoint
port :
number : 8080
tls :
- hosts :
- bytebase.cloud.sealos.io
secretName : wildcard - cloud - sealos - io - cert
deployment.apps/bytebase configured
service/bytebase-entrypoint configured
ingress.networking.k8s.io/hello-world configured
bytebase-85db7644bc-pt9cl 1 /1 Running 0 5s
Then you can access Bytebase through the configured address https://bytebase.cloud.sealos.io .